Released in 1991, the Traxxas Blue Eagle is a big improvement version of the Eagle produced few months earlier. New gearbox design, new dampers, new steering linkage were included to perform on the track !
During this period Traxxas entered in the world of RC competition with a lot of dedication with the Eagle truck. Overall, competition are the best way to make impression and advertise.
In July 1990 a noticeable victory was covers by RC Car Action Magazine. Indeed, Tom Owens win the National Off-Road Championship (Dallas) during a battle with Joel Johnson and its Losi JRX-T.
My Blue Eagle:
My Blue Eagle is not 100% genuine. Even so I built it with some parts of the German version imported by Graupner. However the essential is here.
You should see in the pictures gallery below this article, how the project started and how I imitated the blue anodisation failing to have the genuine parts.
An extract from an old french magazine (AUTO RCM) about the Graupner Eagle:
Such as the Eagle the Blue Eagle borrow the front train. Except for the long dampers and specific mounts. Also, a steering bell crank appear to improve ackerman and the servo is install in line.
The rear borrow the same recipe. Long dampers and mounts but the transmission is totally new.
Notice, the balls differential, and slipper. Both can be adjust from the ouside. In addition, this transmission named afterward “Magnum 272” is nowaday still produce for the 2wd Traxxas Slash and it little brother like the Rustler. A good example of a conception that lasts over in time
Even if the Traxxas differential is pretty strong and easy to maintain, I put an optional THORP in the gearbox. Nevertheless, this Thorp diff should be adjust before install.Extract from OLDRC.COM
Finally, the slipper clutch is built with small friction pads (4685) fitted into the holes of spur gear. The traction can be adjust thank to a spring and nut. But for this reason, this solution is not easy to assemble due to the number of pads.
Out of the box dampers are the same length for the front and rear. But I really wanted more travel for the rear so I installed X-Tra Long shocks.
The body come from Team Blue Groove Ebay shop. And to remember the 1990 victory, I made a Tom Owens Tribute.